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History of Northleach Court

Northleach Court quality residential care home was originally built in January 1836 and was known in the 1920s as a Victorian workhouse named the Northleach Poor Law Institution.

The workhouse was designed by George Wilkinson using inspiration from Samson Kempthorne, an architect to the commissioners. Wilkinson was a well-known architect in the area, having previously designed a number of union workhouses in nearby towns.

During this time, the workhouse housed a number of adults, children and the elderly, providing them with food, security and accommodation in return for work.

After the closure of the workhouse and the establishment of the NHS, Northleach Court underwent a series of renovations before it was opened as Northleach Geriatric Hospital in 1948.

The building evolved over the years allowing for additional access points, room extensions and a chapel.

The chapel was used by the public for a popular Sunday service before it began to incur high heating and running costs. The lack of maintenance and available funding meant that the chapel’s overall appearance and safety begin to deteriorate.

Northleach Hospital was closed by the Cheltenham and District Health Authority in 1987.

Between 1987 and the early 1990s, Northleach Court remained empty and went on to be sold. Permissions were granted for extensive changes to the building to convert it into a nursing home and work began shortly afterwards.

No historic decorative treatments or fireplaces survived the works although some chimney breasts were retained as was all of the overall structure. The Grade II listed building is constructed of Cotswold coursed rubble stone and ashlar and has hipped roofs covered with Welsh slates.

Northleach Court reopened in 1995 as Northleach Court Care Home, a grade II listed private nursing home for the elderly.

Northleach Court Private Care Home is popularly known for providing quality residential care and nursing care to its residents. Over the years, Northleach Court has accommodated a number of local people and continues to do so.

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